Ringler Radio - Structured Settlements and Legal Topics
Stay current with the latest news on the settlement industry, nationwide litigation, trends in the legal and insurance industries and everything in between with Ringler Radio™, the award-winning podcast series from Ringler. Join our hosts Phil Krause and Matt Ross as they welcome accomplished professionals and discuss topics ranging from current noteworthy cases, Medicare Set-Asides, workers compensation, 468B trusts, long-term disabilities, mediation, structuring settlements in large and small litigation and much more. Ringler, the nation’s largest structured settlement company, has been producing Ringler Radio™ since 2005. With more than a decade of award-winning content, Ringler Radio™ is a part of Ringler’s unwavering commitment to leading the structured settlement industry with best-practice innovation, technology and education.
Ringler Radio - Structured Settlements and Legal Topics
Injured Worker Advocacy
Ringler Associates
Season 22
Episode 336
What do you think of when you hear the phrase: Injured Worker Advocacy? In this episode, we sit down with George Townsend, President of the Workers Injury Law and Advocacy Group, and Partner at the law firm of Hammond Townsend in Virginia, as he shares his experience about what worker advocacy looks like and how both sides can work together to drive better results for each party.